Friday, 30 April 2021

Your New House Is Printing Now, Sir?

The Saint-Gobain Weber Beamix company claim a retired Dutch couple have just moved into the first fully 3-D printed house ( The house is a boulder-shaped bungalow with 94 square metres of living space. It is one of 5 properties, scheduled for a location near the Beatrix canal in Eindhoven. There have been lots of other contenders for the title of 'first' (notably in France and the US). The company clain, however, their building is the first to be 100% permitted by the local authorities and to be inhabited by people, who have paid for the privilage of living there. The couple seem to appreciate their new home but I'm not sure a 'bunker' is for me! Many people are predicting that 3-D printing will become an increasingly important way of providing housing. It can produce shapes that are impossible, when using traditional building methods.

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