Saturday, 17 April 2021

Geese Release?

Pate de foie gras is a French delicacy made from the fatty livers of force-fed geese. Yet another Anglo-French spat seems to be brewing, as the UK government is said to be 'thinking' of banning its import, on animal cruelty grounds ( The leader of the Foie Gras Producer's Association is said to be "shocked and outraged", at news their product might become unexportable to the UK. Presumably, when the UK was a member of the EU, it had to accept legally-produced food items from all the other members. Now Brexit has occurred, the UK is free to to pick and choose. Having said that, not all food production practises in the UK are entirely 'cruelty free'. If the British don't like the method of foie gras production (and they can hardly say they are ignorant about it), they can always choose not to buy or order it. It may be a bit 'conspiracy theory' but, is the UK government simply currently picking fights with Europeans, for its own purposes? The 'dead cat' approach to politics has a long tradition in this country!

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