Monday, 12 April 2021

Let the Train Take More of the Strain?

Some progress on travel-related emissions in France. After 'heated' discussions, the French Assembly has voted for a 40% reduction in domestic air routes ( The vote means that airflights will be suspended, if a direct train can make the journey in less than 2.5 hours. So, for example, 'greenhouse gas'-generating flights between Orly (Paris) and Nantes, as well as Bordeaux, will be axed. There are likely to be loud complaints from some quarters, especially airlines. I do hope that private jets will also be limited for short 'hops', as, otherwise, the rich will not have to change their behaviour. The reduction is less than that proposed by the French President but it is, at least, progress in the battle against climate change. It's certainly more impressive than 'action' in the UK, where the PM is being urged to get a climate strategy in place, before COP26 in Glasgow (

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