Tuesday 24 May 2022

An Apple a Day....?

A 9-year study by Pesticide Action Plan (PAN), looked at 100,000 popular 'homegrown' fruit samples, gathered throughout Europe. Over that period, the samples showed a more than 50% rise in the concentrations of most hazardous pesticide residues (https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2022/may/24/european-fruit-with-traces-of-most-toxic-pesticides-up-53-in-nine-years). These hazardous pesticide residues on fruit, have been linked to cancer, heart disease and birth deformities. 33% of apples and 50% of blackerries had these hazardous pesticide residues. Things appear to be getting worse, as Kiwi fruit showed an increase in residues from 4% in 2011 to 32% in 2019. Corresponding figures for cherries were 22% and 50%, respectively. I used to like fruit, eating it most days! The pesticides will, of course, also be killing insect pollinators.

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