Monday, 23 May 2022

Sceptic Thinktanks?

The UK's charities have especial tax benefits. What is or is not a charity, is determined by the Charity Commission. Charities are defined as organisations working for public good. They are not suppose to represent personal views. A letter has been sent to the Charity Commission, maintaining that, the Global Warming Policy Foundation (GWPF) is a lobby group and should not continue to be given charitable status ( The GWPF was founded in 2009 and has UK and American arms. The foundation receives substantial funding from fossil fuel interests. The GWPF essentially spends its time and money, countering attempts to mitigate climate change. Its views are currently being promoted in the UK, by parliament's so-called Net Zero Scrutiny Group. 'Scrutiny', in this context, means 'ignoring'. The funding and focus of the GWPF, confirm that it should be reclassified as a lobby group. It should never have been a charity and certainly should not receive tax relief, in the UK.

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