Wednesday, 25 January 2023

Days of Tobacco and Days of Vaping

In the time of tobacco (cigarettes and cigars), lots of human ill-health was generated (especially lung cancer). The streets were also disgustingly littered with discarded packets, cigarette butts and ash. There was a pervading odour and haze in pubs, bars and restaurants. The introduction of 'vaping' nicotine products has reduced (but not eliminated) tobacco-related diseases. The places smell a bit better. You can now read notices on walls. These changes are largely down to smoking bans, rather than the strange scents introduced into in vaping fluids. Litter has, however, also dramatically changed its nature. Butts have been replaced by heavy plastic containers, filled with indeterminate fluids. One even trips over bits of electronic equipment and numerous plastic mouthpieces. It's litter, Jim, but not as we knew it!

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