Wednesday, 18 January 2023

Weather to Mention Climate Change?

TV Weather presenters are faced, each working day of their lives, with climate change. Their perspectives on their job, seems to have consequently changed ( It used to be the case, that the weather was an addition, usually at the end of the news. It was often a lighter item, following a series of depressing news stories. More recently, the weather has often become the news. Weather presenters have faced criticisms and have even received death threats. Climate change doesn't make the weather. It does, however, make extreme weather events more likely. The presenters interviewed, all appear to want to explain this to their viewers. Some were required to 'balance' climate science with the views of climate changer deniers. They seem relieved that this travesty of an exercise is no longer a requirement. Presenting the TV weather can seemingly be quite emotional experience. Some TV Weather presenters agonise about how effective they have been, when informing viewers of the risks associated with impending weather events. Others report that, having children of their own, increased their state of worry. All appeared concerned about the future.

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