Friday, 20 November 2020

Liking the Lichen

Lichens (symbiotic fusions between fungi and cyanobacteria and/or algae) are especially found on trees and have long been used as monitors of air pollution. The National Trust is being applauded for attempting to 'rescue' a rare English lichen, Lungwort (Lobaria pulmonaria) marooned on a fallen Oak in Borrowdale ( The lichen shown is a relative, rather than the real thing. The Lungwort is being transplanted from the Oak to about 6 healthy trees in this area of the Lake District. This is a sensible thing to do but it is, afterall, only low intensity gardening.

1 comment:

Paul Brain said...

Steve Wainwright tells me that Lungwort is an interesting 3-way symbiosis between a fungus, a cyanobacterium AND a green alga. It can fix nitrogen.

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