Tuesday, 6 April 2021

Roads to Ruin?

It's easy to 'solve' the climate crisis! All you have to do is to get your decimal point in the wrong place. Environmental campaigners are making a legal challenge to England's ('biggest ever') £27bn road building programme (https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2021/apr/06/co2-from-englands-road-plan-up-to-100-times-more-than-dft-says). The Second Roads Investment Strategy (RIS2) will add an additional 4000 miles of road. The government claim that any increase in 'greenhouse gases', is 'negligible' and will be more than compensated by the adoption (when it comes) of electric vehicles. The Transport Action Network's (TAN) expert advisers calculate, however, that RIS2 will generate an additional 0.27 megatonnes of carbon dioxide over its lifetime. This figure is circa 100 times greater than the figures the government have been projecting. The government planners are either a) very poor at maths and/or b) into creative accounting. Neither is a good look for the chair of COP26 in Glasgow. Talking the talk?

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Seeing the Changes 2121

Between Bynea and Penclacwydd, noted Hawthorn ( Crataegus monogyna ) coming into leaf. Ivy-leaved toadflax ( Cymbalaria muralis ...