Sunday, 10 July 2022

Immediate Compensation Should Be a 'No Brainer'?

Haemophiliacs are people born with blood-clotting disorders. It's a life-threatening condition, where even minor wounds can be fatal. The most common cause of haemophilia can be treated with Factor V111. In the 1970s and 1980s, thousands of sufferers were given the factor by the UK's NHS. Unfortunately, that Factor V111 was in contaminated US blood products ( The blood products had been obtained from 'donations', made for payment, largely from incarcerated prisoners. The extracted Factor V111 was generally contaminated with HIV (the causal agent of AIDS) and/or a virus causing Hepatitis C. To date, circa 3000 UK haemophiliacs have died from their resulting viral infections. Many more thousands are still infected and have had their lives ruined. After decades of resistance, there has finally been an independent review of this medical scandal. The review's chairman suggests that survivors be given interim compensation payments, before any more die. It seems odd that people are even dragging their heels on this issue. Who pays should be of lesser concern.

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