Monday, 18 July 2022

The Elephant in the Mainstream Environmental Movement's Room?

Guardian columnist, George Monbiot, opines that environmentalists have been playing Patience, whilst 'power' (politicians, industrialists and the right-wing media) have been playing Poker ( Monbiot claims that the strategy of 'mainstream' environmental movements is rooted in a belief that it would be too big an 'ask' (suggestion) to attempt to change the system. He suggests they have worried about scaring away their members and/or provoking conflict with government. 'Mainstream' environmental movements have concluded, maintains Monbiot, that incrementalism is their only viable option. Incrementalism involves campaigning issue by issue with the hope that the accumulated small gains, eventually result in comprehensive change. Monbiot now says that incrementalism is much too small an 'ask' to deal with issues like climate change etc. He also notes that the 'power' have been only too prepared, to change the system (e.g. banning protest movements etc). Monbiot appears to be making a 'call to arms'. He obviously feels that banning plastic straws and collecting waste for recycling ain't going to do it!

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