Tuesday, 12 July 2022

Covid Transmission Ahoy!

A 'newish' wave of coronavirus infections and consequent hospitalisations is currently sweeping the UK. Air-borne viral transmission is the root cause. It's summertime, when viral transmission is supposed to be low, compared to winter months. Things could well get worse, later in the year. A Trades Union Congress (TUC) survey suggests that, edicts by some managers, is contributing to this current Covid19 wave (https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/jul/09/covid-one-in-10-in-england-told-to-work-despite-signs-of-infection). The TUC survey found that 9% of English workers with Covid symptoms, had been pressured by their managers to come into work. A further 10% had been asked to work alongside colleagues, who had tested positive for the virus. It is always difficult to interpret such self-reported data. How real was the pressure? Had some of the responding workers a history of absenteeism? How long ago had the colleagues tested positive for Covid19? Who conducted the test? Had any workplace protections been put in place? It's clearly not a good idea to encourage the spread of the virus to work colleagues and/or members of the public with whom they must interface at work or when travelling to work. Some professions (e.g. medical, care, education, food/drink services, entertainment, transport etc) will provide ready opportunities for viral transmission. Liability (including manslaughter?) may well become an issue, for some managers. The Covid19 pandemic, clearly isn't 'over', in spite of media and political claims to the contrary. We really should be doing everything reasonable to curb transmission. Gung ho attitudes are most unhelpful!

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