Sunday, 5 November 2023

A Collective Loss of Sceptical Facilities?

Will Hutton suggests that folk have a tendency to be dazzled by the super rich. It's long been the case, that great wealth confers status. A goodly percentage of such folk have, of course, inherited their good fortune, rather than done something unique. The dazzle of the super rich has recently been exacerbated by the advent of 'tech wealth' ( Hutton believes that owners of 'tech wealth' are generally credited with special futuristic insights, denied to the hoi polloi. It's also assumed, because of their special knowledge, they will routinely 'do the right thing'. Hutton thinks we ought to be more sceptical. The tech super rich are, he feels, often talented folk who happen to be lucky. They have a good idea, at an auspicious time, with the right backing. In a sense, they show parallels with national lottery winners. Nobody, however, assumes a lottery winner necessarily has special financial insights! Some owners of 'tech wealth', turn out to be rather self-indulgent or even criminal.

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Seeing the Changes 2127

In Loughor, saw a Buzzard ( Buteo buteo ) being mobbed by gulls. Also, spotted my first butterfly of the year in Penclacwydd: a ...