Monday, 27 November 2023

A Green Billionaire Movement?

There's been some interesting letters, in response to the Guardian newspaper's series on the mega-wealthy's excessive climate impacts. The suggestion by Philip Steadman (University College of London, Energy Institute) seems, at first glance, plausible. He says that the carbon emissions of billionaires 'would be zero', if they filled their private jets and superyachts with biofuel. If only it was so easy! ( Firstly, biofuels require culturing (whether it's from corn or algae), in some cases, displacing food production. Such cultivation takes energy, which is never fully extracted, when that fuel is burned to power engines. Where emissions occur is also a factor. High in the stratosphere has more impact. Using biofuels isn't simply a case of carbon dioxide in: balancing carbon dioxide out. It must also be obvious that building and maintaining private jets and superyachts, produces massive emissions. Some billionaires have multiple private jets and superyachts. Indeed, the entire lifestyles many of the mega rich, seems to involve extraordinary opulence and overconsumption. It's not just their personal travel that's an issue. What about their multiple residences, food provision and entertainments? Even if a 'green billionaire movement' was created (big if), it wouldn't set a viable example for other folk. Changes need to occur but we can't rely on the individual consciences of the hyper-rich.

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Seeing the Changes 2127

In Loughor, saw a Buzzard ( Buteo buteo ) being mobbed by gulls. Also, spotted my first butterfly of the year in Penclacwydd: a ...