Thursday, 9 November 2023

Bollocks According to Boris?

'Long Covid' is a 'cocktail' of detrimential symptoms, including lack of energy and 'brain fog', persisting long after that viral infection. It continues to blight the lives of millions of folk in the UK and elsewhere. 'Long Covid' may even partially account for skilled worker shortages in parts of the UK economy. It was consequently disappointing to read that the response of the former Prime minister (PM) to a Department of Health briefing on the condition, was to scrawl 'bollocks' in large letters, on the document. Danny Altmann (Imperial College London) notes the pronounced waning of political will (and funding) in attempts to deal with 'Long Covid' ( Altmann does see some progress in our understanding of 'Long Covid'. He suggests that the 'condition' may turn out to be a collection of ailments (like types 1 and 2 of diabetes). Altmann is also intrigued by recent research, suggesting that persistent viral infection in the gut, reduces the uptake of the amino acid, tryptophan. Tryptophan is converted into the neurotransmitter serotonin. This would impair neural functioning. Perhaps some 'Long Covid' cases could benefit from tryptophan supplements or treatment with drugs targeting serotonin signalling? A PM can always choose to be unconvinced by a briefing paper. Given, however, his profound lack of understanding of science, the response appears ignorant and arrogant. More science understanding in our political 'masters' is clearly needed. Jokes in Latin, by a scientific illiterate, really don't 'cut it'!

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