Friday, 13 August 2021

The Deep Blue Yonder

Several countries (including the UK) intend to use hydrogen in their attempts to reach carbon zero. When hydrogen burns, the only product is water. There is evidence from US academics, however, that replacing fossil gas in homes and heavy industry with 'blue hydrogen', could be up to 20% worse for climate change ( ). 'Blue hydrogen' is made from natural gas, extracted from the ground. The gas is split, as it emerges, to produce hydrogen. The trouble is that carbon dioxide and methane escape, as the natural gas is extracted (traditionally or via 'fracking'). Carbon capture isn't able to pick up all these emissions. 'Blue hydrogen', of course, appeals to the petrochemical companies. It would enable them to keep accessing and selling 'their' hydrocarbons. Only 'green hydrogen', where the gas is extracted from water, may actually reduce 'greenhouse gas' emissions. Keeping coal, oil and gas in the ground, is probably the only viable option.

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