Monday, 1 November 2021

Can't Isolate, Won't Isolate!

People in England are still supposed to self-isolate for 10 days, after they have a positive Covid19 test. The Office for National Statistics (ONS) did a survey in late September/early October of 881 people in England. They found that only 75% reported that they fully complied with the requirement ( The 75% compliance was well down on earlier 'scores' (nearer 90%). Such ONS surveys depend, of course, on people making honest replies (self-reports can be notoriously bad in this respect). The main group appearing to fail to comply, appeared to be aged between 35 and 55. Perhaps some in this age group find it difficult to self-isolate for 10 days and to earn a living for themselves and their families? It could also, however, be the case that they are not now taking Covid-related restrictions seriously. This may also apply to people engaging in foreign travel. 'Freedom day' could still have deleterious consequences.

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