Sunday, 21 November 2021

The UK's ICUs Are Full of the Unvaccinated?

I must admit to having considerable sympathy with with the Anonymous NHS Respiratory Consultant whose 'patience is wearing thin' with those unvaccinated against Covid19 ( The consultant notes that Intensive Care Units (ICU's) in UK hospitals are now mainly occupied by people who made a conscious decision not to get vaccinated against Covid19. This appears to be a major factor for making the health services so stretched. Full ICU's, means that other hospital treatments cannot be carried out. The consultant notes that, unlike some of his colleagues in Respiratory Health, he has never had problems with treating people who had knowingly damaged their lungs by smoking. He has found, however, some of the unvaccinated had simply regarded themselves as being too healthy to be seriously infected by Covid19. It seemed to him that the attitude could verge on the selfish, as they had shown zero concern about the possibility of passing the virus on to others. The consultant admits that vaccination can have unpleasant side-effects but points out that none of his fully-vaccinated colleagues have been hospitalised with Covid19. He appears distressed about the power of the plethora of circulating misinformation to stop, otherwise intelligent people, following a course of action that would help themselves, other people around them and the health services.

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