Tuesday, 23 November 2021

The Unvaccinated

Professor Sir Andrew Pollard (Oxford University) has confirmed that Covid patients in UK Intensive Care Units (ICU's) are now almost all unvaccinated (https://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/nov/23/covid-patients-in-icu-now-almost-all-unvaccinated-says-oxford-scientist). Pollard goes as far to say that "Generally, Covid19 is no longer a disease of the vaccinated; vaccines tend to limit its suffocating affliction, with a few exceptions". The exceptions are, of course, some of the aged and people with underlying health conditions. One might wonder why, given this clear message, unvaccinated folk don't flock in their droves to immunisation centres? Any excuse seems to be used. I suspect that Pollard's involvement in the production of the Astra-Zeneca vaccine will be held against him in antivaxx circles. It just seems, sometimes, that science and logic can't ever win.

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