Saturday, 13 November 2021

"Without Fungi, the World As We Know It, Would Not Exist"

The Kingdom Fungi is experiencing new fame, after being largely dismissed as 'plants' by the general public for many years. Merlin Sheldrake has published Entangled Life, a best-selling book on these non-plants/non-animals. The title of this post is a quote from Giuliana Furci, founder of the Fungi Foundation, the first NGO dedicated to the Kingdom. She also points out that, without fungi, there would be no bread, chocolate, cheese, soy sauce, beer or wine. This is without stressing the importance of Fungi in biogeochemical cycles as well as industry and medicine. I attach a large collection of my photos of their fruiting bodies.


Caroline said...

Fantastic, Paul! I had no idea they came in so many shapes and colors!

Paul Brain said...

Thanks! You know me, I take pictures of anything!

Seeing the Changes 2127

In Loughor, saw a Buzzard ( Buteo buteo ) being mobbed by gulls. Also, spotted my first butterfly of the year in Penclacwydd: a ...