Monday 19 July 2021

The Real 'Big Brother'?

The Israeli NSO group, developed the Pegasus spyware. The group sell it to governments (there are 10 big users) and others, on the basis it will help in the 'war against terrorism'. Pegasus malware infects iPhones and Android devices, enabling clandestine extraction of messages; photographs and emails. The malware can also be used to record calls and activate microphones on devices. A massive leak has revealed the phone numbers of 50,000 people targeted by Pegasus ( Not all the people on the leaked list can be shown to have actually been bugged. They may be people of potential interest. However, there were traces of the malware on the phones of 50% of a small sample of targets. The names on the list include human rights activists; journalists; lawyers; business executives; religious figures; academics; Non-Governmental Organisation employees; union officials and government officials (up to minister level). It seems very likely this malware will also be used against environmental activists. The system is also likely to appeal to criminal organisations, as well as certain repressive governments. It is strongly suspected Pegasus has already been used in the murders (in Mexico and Turkey) of several 'inconvenient' journalists. Families/friends of the journalist, as well as the person themselves, have been targeted. This enables killers to know the precise location of their prey. NSO's claim their system is only designed for approved activitiess, is not remotely convincing! We all now have an opportunity to be paranoid, unless we ditch our mobiles.

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