Saturday, 17 July 2021

UK Children and Covid Vaccination?

The UK's Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) has approved the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine for 12-15 year old children. They calculate that the benefits outweigh any disadvantages. We know that treatment is likely to be very safe, as 5 million children in this age group, have received the vaccine in the US. Members of the SAGE committee have recommended the vaccination of the 12-15 year old cohort. There are opposing voices. Some people think that the actual benefit to children is marginal and the vaccines would be better directed to older people in other parts of the world. People are, however, expressing surprise that the UK ministers are taking so long to make a decision on vaccinating 12-15 year olds ( The current Health minister has recently tested positive for covid but that shouldn't stop a decision being made. My own view is that 12-15 year olds should be offered the vaccine. England's scheduled (and somewhat dodgy) dropping of all restrictions on the 19th of July, must increase the vulnerability of older children. Many of these children hang around with older people (teachers, coaches, parents, older friends). These young adults are also at a key time in their educational process. They are also growing up very quickly. If they remain unvaccinated, the government must be relying on these 'inbetweeners' contracting the virus and developing their own antibodies to reach 'herd immunity' (back to that again?). Otherwise, the virus will persist at a high level in our populations. And, even 12-15 year olds, can develop long covid.

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