Friday, 6 August 2021

A Methane Refrain?

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) say, in their 6th Assessment Report, that cutting methane emissions should be the priority when attempting to limit climate change ( Methane is a 'greenhouse gas', 80 times more potent than carbon dioxide. It persists in the atmosphere for about 10 years, before being broken down to carbon dioxide. The IPCC report notes that methane is playing an ever greater role in the over-heating of the planet. Methane is generated by animal farming (it is, for example, burped from the digestive systems of cattle). The gas also leaks into the atmosphere, as a result of 'fracking' (the technique used to extract hydrocarbons from shale). Methane also leaks from poorly-managed conventional oil and gas extraction wells. Methane clearly needs to be reduced but it won't be easy. Big oil will see it as an attack on their profits. Substantial numbers of people will be enraged that their steaks and hamburgers are under threat.

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