Monday, 2 August 2021

Evolutionary Danger: The Great Pacific Garbage Patch!

In 2010, between 4.8m and 12.7m metric tonnes of plastic entered the oceans. A notable collection is the 'Great Pacific Garbage Patch' off Australia. Plastic is being ingested by and killing many marine animals. A study did autopsies on more than 120 young sea turtles, obtained from the Indian and Pacific oceans off Australia ( The study found that most of the young turtle had ingested plastic. In some cases, especially those from the Pacific, the quantities were substantial. Young turtles have a very high mortality. This is why they are produced in large numbers. The authors of the study conclude that turtles have evolved to spend their early lives in the open ocean, where there are relatively few predators. Unfortunately, this now brings them into contact with our floating plastic, which can be mistaken for food. Plastic waste is not something the turtles can adapt to.

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