Tuesday, 8 March 2022

Taking a Running Jump?

Analysis of research from Leeds University shows, that people in well-off countries, could make 6 specific commitments that, collectively, might reduce 'greenhouse gas' emissions by 25% (https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2022/mar/07/six-key-lifestyle-changes-can-help-avert-the-climate-crisis-study-finds). The process is described as The Jump. The commitments are :- 1) Switching to a largely plant-based diet with minimal waste; 2) Annually purchasing no more than 3 new items of clothing; 3) Maintaining their electrical devices for a minimum of 7 years; 4) Limiting themselves to 1 short-haul flight every 3 years and 1 long-haul flight every 8 years; 5) If possible, ridding themselves of personal motor vehicles. Or, if a personal motor vehicle is essential, keeping it for longer and 6) Making at least 1 life shift decision such as switching to green energy, insulating the home or changing to a more ethical pension provider. Some people are signing up for The Jump. It would, however, require many folk to do so to help limit global heating to 'only' 1.5 degrees Centigrade above pre-industrial levels. There would also have to be massive changes in industry and commerce. Advertising, agriculture, airlines, car manufacturing, clothing retailers, electrical goods makers, energy suppliers, food production, pension providers, supermarkets, transport systems and travel firms would all have to undergo major transformations. A really difficult shift would be moving manufacturing away from the ingrained profit motive. The more the companies sell, the higher their profits. Would (could?) companies flourish with drastically reduced sales? Would there actually be a survival of the least ethical? Their 'customers' would also have to wean themselves off 'keeping up with the Jones', by having frequent foreign holidays, the latest mobile device, a newly fashionable dress etc. How many people on The Jump would it take to compensate for frequent fliers, bling merchants and the truly trendy?

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