Monday 5 July 2021

Bringing It All Back Home?

'Greenhouse gas' from homes account for 15% of the UK's total emissions. These emissions largely result from burning natural gas to heat the often poorly-insulated, properties and for cooking. Doing something about these emissions must be an urgent priority to reach carbon zero. It appears, however, that one of the UK's biggest housebuilders, Taylor Wimpey, opposed government plans to cut new home emissions ( Taylor Wimpey build around 15000 new homes a year in the UK. These builders argued against replacing gas boilers with heat pumps. Taylor Wimpey claimed that heat pumps were more expensive and less efficient than gas boilers. They did not concur with other housebuilders, who generally accepted the proposals. It appears, however, that the imposing of emissions standards on new build houses will be delayed.

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When Did They Come to the UK? 5. The American Mink

The American mink ( Neovison vison ) arrived in the UK for fur breeders in 1929. They were first reported breeding in the wild in 1956.