Sunday 4 July 2021

Let The People Decide?

The UK is clearly in the middle of a 3rd wave of Covid19. New infections are almost exclusively of the more-transmissible, delta variant. Fortunately, high UK vaccination rates appear to have reduced (but certainly not halted) the numbers of infected people being hospitalised or dying from the infection. The UK government seems intent on 'sweeping away' all the current Covid19 pandemic-related restrictions in England on the 19th of July. They can't do this for the whole of the UK. These decisions on health are taken by assemblies in Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales. It seems likely, that mask-wearing and social distancing will become matters for individual choice in England (rather than being mandatory). Government also seems to want an end to quarantine for anyone who is fully vaccinated. This particular move might well create 'resentments' ( Several bodies have warned that the government's plans, risk creating chaos in schools and workplaces. Schools already respond very differently, when a real (as opposed to a bogus positive reading created, in a lateral flow test, using orange juice) Sars-CoV-2 infection is identified in a pupil. Some schools require the whole class to isolate, whereas others only insist on pupils sitting near that boy/girl doing so. There have already been reports that some companies will only allow double-jabbed workers to return to their offices. It's all very well giving responsibilty back to the people but it does seem to be a recipe for conflict. What happens when someone insists on a face mask for entry to a building and a burly punter refuses? What happens, if the Welsh assembly doesn't make mask wearing optional and English visitors arrive at the 'border'? Appealing to 'commonsense' always seems fine but not everyone has it!

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