Tuesday, 7 June 2022

Climate Change and the Planet's Forests

The National Geographic has devoted a special issue to the problems associated with the planet's forests (https://www.nationalgeographic.com/magazine/issue/may-2022). Forests are essential elements in attempts to maintain a viable world climate. The issue suggests that forests, in many parts of the globe, are coming under increasing pressures (directly from people and from climate change). This issue deals with the 'wood-wide web'. It notes that only established forests, with interconnections, have really effective impacts on carbon sequestration. It's difficult to plant your way to carbon zero. Some of the mechanisms, used by species of trees, for dealing with fire damage are becoming ineffective, as heating intensifies. For example, Giant red woods have flame-retardant bark. These trees, however, incinerate, if the flames get high into their canopies. We really need to look after all the Earth's forests. Once they're gone, they're gone.

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