Tuesday, 21 June 2022

Viruses Are Not 'Interested' in Biodiversity!

After a delay of more than 2 years, the UN Convention on Biological Diversity have confirmed that Cop15 will be in Montreal, Canada (https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2022/jun/21/montreal-to-host-delayed-cop15-summit-to-halt-alarming-global-biodiversity-loss). Cop15 was (and is) intended to look at ways of halting alarming global biodiversity loss. The meeting was originally scheduled for Beijing in China but was postponed because of the Covid19 pandemic. China's subsequent zero-Covid policy means it still cannot be an effective host for a world meeting. Loss of biodiversity is a problem certainly on a par with (and linked to) the climate emergency. Biodiversity maintains functioning ecological systems for a complex planet. One might be tempted to 'blame' the Covid19 virus for delaying an important meeting. One must remember, however, that viruses are only 'interested' in propagating their own genome. It's world domination or bust as far as most organisms are concerned!

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