Sunday, 26 June 2022

Sea Plots

Allotments are very popular in parts of the UK. Allotments are basically small plots of council-designated land, where communities of holders can grow vegetables and flowers (for consumption or for competition). They seem to do things rather differently in Denmark, with the establishment of sea allotment societies ( Denmark's first sea allotment society was established in 2011. There are currently 15, where groups of allotment holders cultivate Edible mussels, kelp etc. These small coastal allotments can be quite productive and may, in some cases, support group cohesion. Their only likely downside is that some sea allotment holders might attempt to culture inappropriate organisms (e.g. alien molluscs or algae) and/or use banned chemicals. It must be more difficult to regulate sea allotment activities than larger commercial enterprises? There might also be outbreaks of antagonism between neighbouring sea allotment holders. These have been seen in the UK's land-based versions.

1 comment:

Paul Brain said...

We couldn't, of course, have sea allotments in the UK as the Queen 'owns' virtually all of the seabed!

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