Tuesday, 28 June 2022


Some people appear incapable of taking 'No' for an answer. Fracking (using pressured chemicals to drive 'natural gas' out of shale rocks) in the North of England, has been repeatedly condemned as a 'bad idea'. Plans for this activity could be boosted, however, by the frackers (I use the term carefully) being eligible for substantial UK government tax breaks (https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2022/jun/28/fracking-firms-could-be-eligible-for-uk-tax-breaks-worth-billions). Fracking, in the North of England, is inappropriate as 1) the generated gas (even if it went only to local users) would do little to solve the UK's energy crisis; 2) methane (a potent 'greenhouse gas') is liberated by this activity; 3) burning the gas would, anyway, increase carbon dioxide release, exaccerbating global heating; 4) the UK has a much higher population density than countries, where fracking is more common; 5) fracking has been linked to earth tremors, pollution of groundwater, human health problems etc and 6) people, in the designated areas, don't want it. The UK government's tax break was intended to encourage the oil giants to prospect for new oil and gas deposits, largely in the North Sea. Even this, is highly contentious. Many environmentalists think these also should be 'left in the ground'.

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