Wednesday, 28 September 2022

A Better Belgian Backstop?

Carl Packman (Fair by Design) describes what he sees as a better solution to help poor people in the energy crisis, being employed in Belgium ( Belgians, like everyone else in Europe, are suffering from (and complaining about) the rocketing cost of gas. Packman points out, however, that circa 20% of Belgian households, benefit from a 'social energy tariff'. Every eligible household in that country pays the same, irrespective of their energy provider or network manager. Eligibility is generally automatically granted on the basis of administrative data held by the Belgian government. There is an appeals system. Packman believes the Belgian scheme, targets support and price protections to those most at risk from poverty. He sees no reason why a similar approach could not be adopted here. In the UK, many folk are having to choose between eating and heating.

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