Wednesday, 14 September 2022

Back to the Future?

Obesity costs the UK's National Health Service more than £6 billion per year. Consequently, a number changes/potential changes in the laws pertaining to food were recently made. These include;- a) a tax on sugary drinks; b) removal of fattening items from display near supermarket checkouts; c) a discouragement of 'buy-one-get-one-free' (bogof) offers; d) giving calorie counts on items on restaurant menus and e) limiting when advertising of sugar/fat rich foods are advertised,so that children are less likely to be watching. In its current obsession to stimulate economic (irrespective of physical?) growth and to 'cut red tape', the UK goverment appears to be considering axing all such attempts to encourage people to adopt a healthier diet ( It's been pointed out, that economic productivity is unlikely to be improved by having a less healthy workforce. This unhealthy obsession of 'cutting food-related red tape' could go further. It might be just a matter of time, before we go back to examples of Victorian entrepreneurialism. They included using cancer-causing nitroglycerine and sawdust to manufacture artificial marzepan and incorporating pine chips, to simulate pips in bogus raspberry jam.

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