Sunday, 18 September 2022

'Consulting' To Get a Preordained Answer?

Question: When is choice not a real choice? Answer: When the UK's Department of Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy wants the 'Brexit bonus' of a return to using Imperial measures ( Imperial measures are the somewhat arbitrary and illogical designations that used to apply in 'Merry England'. More familiar, Imperial measures include inches; feet; yards and miles, ounces; pounds; stones, hundredweights and tons' as well as fluid ounces; gills; pints and gallons. The proposed Department of Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy 'consultation', however, only offers the purchaser two options. They can pay for their items in a) Imperial Units or b) Imperial Units, alongside a Metric equivalent. Continuing to stick to Metric measures isn't even mentioned as an option. I can't wait for a returm to shillings, florins, half-crowns, groats and guineas. It will be a major problem to re-educate UK folk, aged 40 and under, about Imperial Measures. In the meantime, they can be ripped off by unscrupulous sales folk. Scientists, of course, will have to use both systems. One in their place of work and one whilst shopping.

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