Friday, 9 September 2022


Sports Utility Vehicles (SUVs) aka 'Chelsea tractors' are the bete noire of some environmentalists. The 'Tyre Extinguishers' is a direct action group, whose members covertly deflate the tyres of SUVs ( The 'Tyre Extinguishers' describe an SUV with deflated tyres, as having been 'disarmed' (like a loaded gun). The group claim that more than 600 vehicles were recently 'disarmed', in a single night, in 9 countries. The countries included the UK; France; Germany; Switzerland; The Netherlands; Norway; Denmark; the Czech Republic and Canada. The night in question, was exactly 2 months prior to Egypt's Cop27. The 'Tyre Extinguishers' regard SUVs as being very 'in-your-face' producers of excessive 'greenhouse gas' emissions. They can see no obvious reason why city-dwelling folk need an SUV for their daily commute. Car manufacturers, however, find they have a ready market for SUVs, especially in well-heeled circles. It will be interesting, however, to see, if the activities of the 'Tyre Extinguishers', makes SUVs (and 'Sports cars?), a less popular purchase. It could simply make the car lobby even less supportive (if that's possible?), of environmental issues.

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Seeing the Changes 2127

In Loughor, saw a Buzzard ( Buteo buteo ) being mobbed by gulls. Also, spotted my first butterfly of the year in Penclacwydd: a ...