Wednesday, 7 September 2022

How Can They Get Everything Wrong at the Same Time?

Appointing a self-proclaimed 'fossil fuel fan', as Business Secretary, is odd. Putting him in charge of cutting UK carbon emissions, just seems perverse ( The new Business Secretary reportedly agonises about 'climate alarmism'. He's an enthusiast for fracking (extracting gas from shale rocks, by forcing chemical solutions into the strata). This Business Secretary also wants to 'extract every last drop of oil' from North Sea deposits. This is in spite of being repeatedly reminded that oil and gas from either of these sources, will not reduce their cost to UK users (it's an International market, expressed in dollars). It would also take too long. Neither he nor the new PM will impose additional 'windfall taxes' on the current inflated profits of the fossil fuel companies. This dynamic duo also adamantly oppose land-based wind turbines and solar farms. This is in spite of these 'green' sources of electricity, being the fastest to bring online and the cheapest means of countering the energy crisis. The idea of reducing energy useage, by improving the insulation of buildings, also gets hardly a mention. None of this is remotely 'new'. One has to ask 'how can they get everything wrong at the same time?' It can't simply be ignorance!

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