Wednesday, 14 September 2022

Teenage Heart Throbs?

A study published in Journal of the American Heart Association found that, exposing healthy teenagers to car exhaust-generated particulates (PM 2.5s), makes them more prone to arrhythmias ( Arrhythmias are irregular heart beats. They increase the risk of heart disease and sudden cardiac death. These heart irrgularities were produced within two hours of subjects inhaling the particulates. The PM 2.5 concentrations were also within legal limits. This effect has already been noted in older subjects. This is the first time, however, it's been recorded in otherwise-healthy, adolescents. This study further underlines the urgency of improving air quality. In the UK, most city schools are located near busy, urban roads with high levels of particulates. The PM 2.5s (largely from diesel fumes) represent a real health risk for our children.

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