Monday, 25 March 2024

Down on the Farm?

The EU's nature restoration laws were designed to reverse decades of damage done to biodiversity on land and in waterways. This 'infant' legislation is now 'hanging in the balance', after Hungary and Italy, with their vetoes, withdrew support ( Europe's biodiversity is crashing. For example, the number of insect pollinators has rapidly declined. It appears that governments, in many EU countries, have currently been 'spooked' by demonstrating farmers. Much of traditional farming has been, however, the major cause of biodiversity loss. There's much more biodiversity, on land, designated for military exercises. No agriculture means no monocultures, no excess applications of compost, no widespread use of pesticides and herbicides, as well as much greater niche diversity. A healthy Europe needs maintain its ecosystem services. Reversing the decline in biodiversity is an essential component.

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