Thursday, 24 June 2021

A Keys Decision?

Climate change is creating real problems for the Florida Keys ( The Keys are flat, inhabited areas of land at the Southern tip of Florida. The median increase in sealevel in that area, is estimated to be 17 inches by 2050 (it could be very much more). Flooding is already producing problems. Some authorities are suggesting that sections of the Keys will become unliveable, when mortgages and insurance become unobtainable. This would be the case, even before the houses were inundated. One area, Monroe County, has budgeted $1.8bn, to elevate 150 miles of road, over the next 25 years. That 150 miles is just a proportion of the roads in the location. Seawater already bubbles up through the road and side-walk surfaces when the sea is high. It is naturally hoped to also raise money to save homes. Officials are already admitting, however, that not every building can be protected from the rising waters. The Keys may have to be given up to the seas?

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