Tuesday, 15 June 2021

It's Only Skin Deep?

Per- and PolyFluoroAlkyl Substances (PFAS) is a family of 9000 compounds known as 'forever chemicals' because they do not break down naturally. They are used in many commercial applications, for their stain-resistant and anti-wetting properties. PFAS have been repeatedly linked to human health problems, including cancers. It has now been demonstrated that these 'forever chemicals' are ingredients in many US and Canadian cosmetics (https://www.theguardian.com/fashion/2021/jun/15/pfas-makeup-forever-chemicals). A study of more than 230 major brand, make-up products, found that more than 50% contained fluorine. Fluorine is indicative of the presence of PFAS. The PFAS-containing items included blush, eyeliner, foundation, lip balm, lipstick, mascara and nail polish. Waterproof mascaras had especially high fluorine contents. PFAS are very easily absorbed through the skin. So, putting them in cosmetics, is a very good way of ensuring that people (mainly women) are exposed to high concentrations of these dangerous chemicals. Some cosmetics might well be advertised as being 'cruelty-free', i.e. untested on animals, but even these may have safety issues! The actual brands of cosmetics were unrevealed in the study. It is to be hoped, however, that the manufacturers will look at their formulations and take the PFAS out!

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