Friday, 18 June 2021

Sentient Lobsters?

It is reported that the Conservative Animal Welfare Foundation (CAWF) is pushing for octopuses and lobsters to be included on an animal sentience bill ( The CAWF describe these animals as having 'feelings'. It really depends what is mean't by 'feelings'. If, by 'feelings', one means having the capacity to respond to 'pain', this is a feature of the vast majority of animals. It enables them to minimise the possibility of serious damage and/or death. An Earthworm will wriggle violently, when cut by a spade. The situation is a lot more complex, if the term 'sentience' is applied to organisms that might have a degree of self-awareness and show complex social behaviour. All vertebrates and Octopus vulgaris (the Common octopus) currently have welfare protections under UK law. Given their large 'brains' and complex behaviour, there is a reasonable argument for extending protections, on the basis of sentience, to all Cephalopods (cuttlefish, octopuses and squids). There appears to be no such evidence for 'emotions' in the lobster. Lobsters are probably about as 'emotional' as House flies. Perhaps the lobster was cited because it is one of the items these conservatives would have come across on their food plates in pre-vegan days?

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