Tuesday, 8 June 2021

Don't Hold Your Breath?

The Mauna Loa Atmospheric Baseline Observatory is on top of the world's highest peak (from its base on the ocean's bottom). The mountain is on Hawaii's Big Island, in the middle of the Pacific. It's about as far away as you can get from major sources of burning (of trees, gas, oil and coal). The Atmospheric Observatory has been collecting data on air concentrations of carbon dioxide for 63 years. Its latest findings should cause considerable concern (https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2021/jun/08/carbon-dioxide-levels-pandemic-emissions). The Mauna Loa figure for atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration in May 2021, was 419 parts per million. This doesn't sound much but the 'greenhouse gas' is now 50% higher, than at the start of the industrial age! The increase in atmospheric levels of this gas is also markedly accelerating. And, this is at a time, when air travel and industry, have been much reduced by the global Covid19 pandemic. If we are to avoid the predicted climate crisis, we are going to have to try considerably harder. One, however, hears constant talk of 'opening up' and 'getting back to normal'! 'Normal' ain't going to do it!

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