Wednesday, 16 June 2021

Between Two Stools?

Until reminded by a Marina Hyde article (, I had assumed that Gillian McKeith was an aberration from the less enlightened past. McKeith, who Hyde describes as "Britain's least favourite stool sampler", had made a TV career (with repeat series) wearing a white lab coat and waving a mail order 'doctorate', advising people on their dietary choices. She did this on the basis of posted-in faecal samples. One of her most scientifically literate claims, was that humans would benefit by incorporating a concentrated chlorophyll powder (she sold it), into their diets. There's not much light down there in the intestine! McKeith is back, apparently debunking the claims of scientists (including virologists) and being prominent in anti-lockdown marches in London. Is this really the best, the anti-Science lobby have to offer?

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