Tuesday, 29 June 2021

A Total Eclipse of the Pacemaker

Pacemaker devices have long been used to correct faulty heart rhythms. Indeed, in the UK, almost 33,000 pacemakers were implanted in 2018-19 (just before the Covid19 pandemic). Although some people have conditions, where they require a permanent pacemaker, others (e.g. after open heart surgery) may need the device for only a few weeks. In the latter case, current pacemaker devices carry a few unneccesary risks. The leads placed through the skin can become infected. The external power supply and control system can become dislodged. Heart muscle can be damaged, when the pacemaker is surgically removed (difficult with backlogs due to the pandemic). John Rogers (Northwestern University) has described a bioresorbable pacemaker for temporary use (https://www.theguardian.com/science/2021/jun/28/wireless-pacemaker-dissolves-body). This bioresorbable pacemaker is implanted on to the surface of the heart. It has no battery or leads and can be programmed/controlled externally. As the name suggests, it is absorbed by the patient's body, after a defined period of time. This novel pacemaker seems to solve many of the problems associated with using traditional devices for limited periods. It certainly cuts down the need for surgery which is a) time consuming and b) carries intrinsic risks. Heartening!

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