Wednesday, 23 June 2021

They Don't Want the Amazon Spaceman Back?

Jeff Bezos (the world's second richest man with $186bn), his brother and a third person (who bid $28m for a seat), will be blasting off from the planet on the 20th July. Their 11 minute flight, will take them and their crew, 62 miles above the Earth's surface. There is now a petition on to prevent Bezos from returning to Earth, that quickly attracted 77,000 signatures ( The reasons for signing the petition are probably very varied. Some could simply object to his obscene wealth. Others might feel his tax avoidance warrants a ban. He gets a bad press on stinginess and poor treatment of workers. Bezos maintains that, seeing the Earth from space, 'changes you'. One must presume he is guessing, as he hasn't yet been into space. It could, however, be an attempt to whip up enthusiasm for space tourism. One might hope the experience will change his appreciation of the Earth's fragility and his role in further damage?

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