Wednesday, 23 June 2021

"Some People Think Football is a Matter of Life and Death"?

Bill Shankly's (ancient Manager of Liverpool FC) full quote was "Some people think football (the round ball version) is a matter of life and death. I assure you, it's much more serious than that." Marina Hyde is, consequently, right to point out the absurdity of the UK government, being pressured by the Union of European Football Associations (UEFA), to allow 2,500 of its 'dignitaries' to come to the final in London, without having to undergo quarantine ( It seems that, if the 2,500 hanger-ons are not given a free pass, the final could be moved to Budapest, in Hungary. This is in spite of the Hungarians being investigated for 'potential discriminatory incidents' (otherwise known as 'racial harassment') by their 'fans'. As Hyde points out, it is already quite difficult to get some sections of the UK public to now take the privations of the Covid19 pandemic seriously. Having a traffic light system for foreign holiday travel (with required quarantine) doesn't sit at all easily with a potential letting in the UEFA variants. It seems that UEFA have got their priorities entirely wrong. This is not for the first time! "They think it's all over. It is, now."

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