Tuesday, 8 June 2021

An 'Evil Herb'?

It is claimed that Himalayan balsam is an 'evil herb' that chokes waterways, causes riverbank erosion and smothers 'our' wild flowers (https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2021/jun/07/himalayan-balsam-uk-volunteers-urged-to-help-to-battle-invasive-weed). Himalayan balsam is an invasive species and creates many environmental problems. It's a bit rich, however, to describe the plant as 'evil'. Himalayan balsam is only doing what all plants (and other organisms) are programmed to do, namely to exploit as much of the available environment as possible. 'Evil' (or at least misguided) humans are responsible for introducing the plant (along with Japanese knotweed, Rhododendron, Parrot-feather etc, etc) into the UK. If you introduce a fast-growing, fast propagating plant species into environments where it has no herbivores, it is likely to cause problems. Blame the aquarium keepers and the gardeners!

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