Tuesday, 15 June 2021

The Proof of the Pudding?

As they say, "the proof of the pudding, is in the eating". Or to put it another way, talk is cheap, it's actions that are important! In its response to the Dasgupta report on the Earth's 'natural capital' (the services the natural world provides, to keep our planet liveable), the UK government has promised its infrastructure projects in England will be 'nature positive' (https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2021/jun/14/england-infrastructure-projects-will-be-nature-positive-ministers-vow-age-of-extinction). UK government ministers are apparently 'vowing' that major transport and energy infrastructure projects that they fund in England, will have to provide a net gain for biodiversity. This is all very well but they are only talking about their own (tax payer's) direct funding. The house builders (who are major donators of cash to government), might well be free to carry on building on green zones. Projects like HS2 (the proposed high speed train service from London to Birmingham), airport expansions and major road building programmes have not, thus far, had a major focus on the benefits they provide to biodiversity! In spite of the hype, the 'pudding could turn out to be inedible!

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