Thursday, 10 June 2021

A Keystone Cancellation?

TC Energy have finally cancelled the Keystone XL pipeline ( The Keystone XL pipeline was intended to run from Alberta's (Canada) oil sands to Nebraska, in the USA. It was supposed, when complete, to carry tens of thousands of barrels of crude each day. Getting crude from oil sands, is both energy-intensive and environmentally-damaging. It's certainly not the kind of activity that should be encouraged, when one is attempting to limit climate change. In spite of great pressures, native Americans and Environmentalists have blocked its completion, over the last 12 years. They have argued that the pipeline would have been a vulnerable target, a source of spills and would have endangered migratory mammals. Native Americans and environmentalists should be thanked. Once the pipeline had been operational, it would have been very difficult to stop its activities. As they say 'leave it in the ground'!

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