Saturday, 26 June 2021

Before the 'Crime' Actually Happens?

The Extinction Rebellion organisation, uses direct action, to highlight the dangers of climate change, reduced biodiversity, declining sustainability and pollution. Clearly, many of their actions have irritated politicians and some members of the public. This is presumably one reason why UK laws were changed, making it more difficult to campaign. London's Metropolitan police force are expecting a busy weekend with Extinction Rebellion marches planned for Westminster, Lambeth and Southwark. Extinction Rebellion want to focus on the four billionaires who own 68% of the UK's print media. Extinction Rebellion claim the famous four are tax-avoiding, climate change skeptics, with too much political power. They may have a point. The Metropolitan police have 'proactively' raided a number of London locations, associated (in some cases very indirectly) with Extinction Rebellion. Twelve people have been arrested and equipment seized ( ). A Metropolitan police spokesperson stated "Today, we took proactive action to prevent and reduce the likelihood of criminal activity during the course of the weekend". The police would have to act, if they had prior knowledge of a planned murder, an abduction or a bank raid. It seems, however, that the planned marches are not remotely in the same ball park. To be arrested before the 'crimes' have been committed, also seems a tad harsh. Some might argue the Extinction Rebellion folk have valid concerns. It seems odd that you can't demonstrate in favour of preserving the planet (unless you do it in a very quiet way, with nobody watching)? The Metropolitan police also have a somewhat checkered history. They earlier infiltrated 'political' groups. In some cases, their undercover officers had children with females in the groups, to establish their 'street cred'.

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